Unstoppable Goals are the solution to zero tolerance and most issues in the world of problems.

Unstoppable Goals

An Everyday Heroine has at least one unstoppable goal that she is working toward in life. This is like her north star and a true guidance system that will show her the way through life. It leads her to more success, happiness, and empowerment. It starts with a simple 2-3 word title. When it is clearly defined, she knows how to turn the intangible nature of this unstoppable goal into smaller tangible SMART goals. 

With an unstoppable goal, she has a quick way to access unlimited motivation at will so that she can focus on that goal over a long period of time. Unstoppable goals create greater meaning and purpose. Having at least one makes it easier to navigate everything in life including small and large distractions that can pull you away from your mission in life. 

A World With Problems and a World Without Problems

There is a world with problems and a world without problems. An Everyday Heroine spends as much time as possible in the world without problems because that’s where unstoppable goal achievement happens. It is not realistic to be a human and never live in the world of problems but you can certainly work to minimize the time in that world.

Zero Tolerance Solutions

Sexism, gender discrimination, and sexual harassment present opportunities for creating a better life for everyone. There are many career opportunities within every career that impact the change process for zero tolerance. Everyone is responsible for contributing which means that if you are not working to solve the problem then you are part of the problem. I believe that everyone wants a better future for themselves and their families and working towards zero tolerance is a collective unstoppable goal worth sharing.  

The best way to eliminate some of these issues is to simply achieve as many unstoppable goals as you can in your lifetime. The world will benefit from it!

Enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

The Kauffman Institute

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For deeper change and a greater personal leadership transformation schedule an empowerment session through a coaching consultation here.

Discover more about The Kauffman Institute go here.

Enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

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We help women overcome obstacles found in their careers so they can become inspiring leaders and show the world the truth about what women are capable of.