Skills, Talents, and Essence is the next facet in the Playbook for playing the game of life like an Everyday Heroine.

Celebrate the milestone of women in engineering as a result of the many recent efforts from supporters of all kinds. Here’s the article I mentioned in the podcast.

The 2nd facet – 2.0 The Playing Field needs to be revisited for clarity. My intention, of course, is to create a playbook that can apply to all aspects of life. It can be complicated. In the end, I also think that there’s a way to look at life in a simplistic way for our advantage. Plus, I really intend to bring a playful attitude toward playing the game of life with all its complexities. A girl’s gotta try! With one more pass on this, I feel like I’m pretty close…

The Playing Field Review

The Playing field has three components:


A container – this defines where the activity is played and can be physical or virtual.


An activity – calls attention to the role you are playing, and the game being played in the container that has been defined.


And a descriptor – this is an optional characteristic that helps further define the activity. This can be helpful when establishing a strategy for advancement, happiness, or success.

Skills, Talents, and Essence for Playing the Game of Life

Let’s get into facet #3.0 – Skills, Talents, and Essence which is the equivalent to Major League Baseball’s – Equipment and Uniforms. Yes, I know sounds like more fun!

For The Everyday Heroine’s Playbook, I chose skills, talents, and essence because they seem fitting to the general idea around this facet. You can ask yourself, what do I take with me to play the game of life?

In your career or business, this is either your resume, your CV, your business plan, your qualifications, certifications, or licenses.

In the game of life this is like having a resume for each role you play – professional, sister, mother, neighbor, pet owner, good Samaritan, charity worker, volunteer, auntie, grandmother, community member, let’s not forget human and steward of the planet earth, the list goes on and on.

You get the picture from a conceptual standpoint. I’m not actually suggesting that you create a resume for each role you play in life. Just be aware that you play many roles and you have many skills and talents that go with each!


Skills are probably self-explanatory and because most professionals have a resume, I’m sure I don’t need to explain this part. Although I must say that most women underestimate themselves, so it is important to get feedback from others to make sure you are properly representing yourself.


Talent is defined as a natural aptitude or skill. It is typically something that cannot be manufactured if you do not naturally have the ability already.

Talent is a little different and it may show up for highly talented humans in the form of achievements. For MLB talent, you could be in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Or any sports Hall of Fame recognized.

For talents like chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, and literature you may achieve a Nobel Peace Prize.

When they say we only use 5% of our brains, the thing that comes to my mind is that there are talents that we have not yet either discovered or defined. That’s my way of saying that I think some people possess talents that we don’t fully understand with our current scientific or other means. The more we learn about our world the more we gain acceptable methods of quantifying or qualifying all things including talents. The more the world changes, the more opportunities we have a acquire new skills and talents as well. Life is so fun that way!


And then there is Essence. This one is more nuanced because it allows for uniqueness. This is a place where we describe a person’s attitude and leadership qualities and some of the more intangible attributes that define a person. It is the sum of the natural aspects that make you who you are and therefore it is part of what you bring with you to play the game of life. This can include your values, beliefs, philosophies, and life experiences which are part of who you are.

As I read MLB’s rules, it became apparent to me that a big part of the rules in this section has a lot to do with making sure they keep the game pure and team-oriented. They take the time to make sure to detail the likeness for all players on the team with special exceptions for certain positions due to the nature of the position. And they take the time to detail the uniforms in a way that precludes opportunities for distractions. 3.09 Undue Commercialization is a paragraph that basically says, keeps the free advertisements to a minimum or eliminate them so that it is not a spectacle for unfair advantage to the manufacturer. In other words, let’s just try to play baseball.

So for the Everyday Heroine who wants to play the game of life, we must also minimize the undue socialization and culturalization that holds us back from being an individual that is fully expressed and sovereign of herself.

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For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

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