Exercising Love Muscles for Deeper Loving Relationships goes in stages.

First Stage of Exercising Love Muscles

Pick something to love and grow deeper in love with on this adventure.

The first thing we are going to do is just imagine that one thing you are falling deeper in love with, simply hold it in your imagination. Secondly, you already know the reasons why you love this thing. As you hold it in your imagination you are going to slow things down. Lastly, just savor the reason or reasons why you love this thing in your mind.

If thoughts of fear come up or if thoughts that are not loving thoughts come up, simply say – you are not invited to this party. You can go away now. Simply refocus your mind back to all of the loving thoughts you have about this one thing. Hold those thoughts in your mind. It can be just one thought or many. Hold it there.

Being in flow is an important love muscle to use on a regular basis. It produces happiness even when we are doing a task that we may not like or enjoy. Being in flow is a mechanism that brings us more joy and happiness. And like I said, joy is in the journey and joy is a pathway to love.

Here’s a simple truth I want to share with you about creating deeper loving relationships. Whatever your person, place, or thing is, you have a relationship to it. That relationship begins with the thoughts in your head. 

Second Stage of Exercising Love Muscles

This time around, choose yourself as the subject of love building.

Let me review the simple steps of the exercise.

First, you pick something you want to have a deeper loving relationship with. That can be a person, place, or thing.

Then, you slow things down and imagine the love you already have for that thing.

In slow mode, you make sure you have a solid focus on the love you have without any fear or anti-love thoughts.

Once you have a flow of love going into the image of your relationship to that thing you want to love deeper, you begin to speed up the flow of love.

Third Stage of Exercising Love Muscles

The final exercise is done by choosing a person, place, or thing that you do not like.

The first P of the 3Ps that an Everyday Heroine practices is a peace for a reason.  An Everyday Heroine realizes that when she is not practicing peace, she is practicing hate.

There are a few more simple truths that I am going to share with you just in case you forgot or did not know.

  1. You cannot control anyone else but yourself!
  2. Convincing or controlling others is a form of confrontation which goes on the hateful pile. 
  3. Perfection is not possible so it can never be the ultimate objective of any game we play.

Three powerful simple truths before the final exercise. 

Imagine a person, place, or thing that you don’t like, imagine one nice thing that you could say about that thing, slow it down to make sure you filter out any negative thoughts – simply ask the negative thoughts to leave this party. Continue pumping something nice into that thing. Keep it slow and steady until you feel some genuine niceness towards this thing. Recognize that you are generating love with even the slightest amount of niceness. You are a love factory.

That is how you exercise love muscles for deeper loving relationships.

Now there is a fun quiz to help with self-discovery.

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Enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

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