Early Influences on Sexism and Earning Potential is a more powerful place to start this conversation.

What can we and should we do about sexism, gender discrimination, and sexual harassment? These become the obvious questions.

What we can and should do is first get educated. Understand the terms, the meanings, and most importantly what the behavior looks, sounds, and feels like no matter how subtle they may be. Then, of course, if you know anything about me and if you have been to one of my leadership mastery sessions you know how important it is to have a strong personal brand with Unstoppable goals as your first step. Make sure you have at least one.

Ultimately, I like to encourage everyone to dream about how your leadership style is impacting the world that will exist 100 years from now. Change will be required for us to live the dream life that we want for ourselves and for the legacy that we leave behind once we are gone. That means that more women and more accurately more empowered women must do a few things.

I am beginning with a snippet from a website I found. I feel it is important to share as I start this episode.

I’ll share the link in the show notes! It states:

“The effects of sexism in the workplace are far-reaching. In fact, research has shown that women born in sexist places may go on to earn less money than women who are born in less sexist places. Misogyny in the workplace can show up in many different ways. There can also be sexism against men in the workplace, but it’s much more common that it happens against women.

No matter how it shows up, it should be met with zero tolerance. The thing is that it can appear in some less-than-obvious ways, so it’s important to be educated about examples of sexism in the workplace so that you can play a role in bringing an end to it.”

Also, here’s the map on the geography of sexism.

The Kauffman Institute

Now there is a fun quiz to help you discover your Leadership Essence.

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Discover more about The Kauffman Institute go here.

Enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

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