Career Stages for the Ultimate Life Adventure gives us a simple cycle for goal setting and celebrations.

Career Stages for the Ultimate Life Adventure

Begin by looking at the big picture of a career in large cycles of twenty-year pieces.

Then break down the larger cycles into five-year smaller pieces. Look at the small and large cycles as if they are building blocks that you can use to build the life you desire.

As education, economics, and life expectancy change in the world, so do our perspectives on career planning. Here’s a quick breakdown of the career stages in our modern times.

Educational Career

First, we begin with the mandatory educational career. This career uses the small five-year cycle naturally with the following significant milestones.

Five-Year Kindergarten

Ten-Year Brain Growth Spurt

15-Year Prep-Driving Milestone

20-Year High School to College Transformation

So birth is important and then, roughly speaking, the five-year cycles moving forward are also important.

At about five years old, children are going to school. Kindergarten is an incredibly memorable time for most humans.

Just past the age of ten, the brain does its second-largest growth spurt at around age 11 for girls and 12 for boys. By the fifteen-year mark or a little beyond, teenagers approach the physical and mental growth required to learn to drive. Somewhere in between the 15-20 year stage, humans are turning into adults. They gain the right to vote and drink alcohol. At least that is true for American citizens. This is high school to college age. For those seeking a college degree, there is a major milestone at about the twenty-year mark when students graduate and begin their professional careers. 

First Professional Career

A career is no longer defined as a single entity in a person’s life. As we move toward a brighter future, an Everyday Heroine must stay open to the possibilities of multiple careers within a lifetime. Hopefully, we learn to consider two of those careers as your educational career and your retirement and other goodies in between.

Multiple Career Option

When we consider a full career to be at least twenty years, and when we look at our time in the education system as a mandatory career, we have room in life for one, two to three full careers. It is your choice to create a career that supports what you want in life based on the many factors that impact your world.

Retirement Career

For citizens of the US, the life expectancy is just under 80 years old right now. The retirement age is complicated and has a lot to do with taxes and social security benefits. That also has a lot to do with your financial situation.

Just to note, I consider retirement a career of its own. Retirement is a wonderful concept or career where you have enough income to create a lifestyle without the need to work. This can be referred to as passive income. I don’t think it has as much to do with your age as your ability to generate passive income so that you don’t have to work for the lifestyle you want to enjoy.

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Enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

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