2HR Leadership Makeover

2HR Leadership Makeover

The 2HR Leadership Makeover is a three-step career advancement plan. First, you take an online assessment to understand your current leadership style and potential. Second, you schedule a session with a certified coach for a debrief on your Energy Leadership™ Index (E.L.I.). Here is where you further discover the power of your leadership potential. And finally, you create a unique transition plan for your desired career advancement with your coach. The plan becomes an effective tool that converts into the career and life advancement you desire. You are now on your way to building a strong personal brand and being an inspiring leader while you realize your dream career through this powerful process.

The Assessment

The ELI is a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables women leaders to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities. The E.L.I. forms the initial launching point for your career advancement and career goals. This helps to give you a baseline for your current performance and situation. In other words, the realizations that you gain from this process will begin to create change in the way you view your world. Women experience a positive impact when they gain an understanding of what their strengths and weaknesses are through this process. The E.L.I. is an attitudinal assessment based on an energy/action model. This assessment differs from personality assessments because it is supportive and guides you to success. It measures your level of energy based on your attitude, or perception, and perspective of your world. Your leadership improves relative to your attitude, as they say.

The Debrief

When you work with a coach using the E.L.I., you start altering your attitude and perspective, making a shift in your focus, and increasing your energy and leadership effectiveness. You discover the 7 levels of leadership. You learn how much energy you currently have in the catabolic-suppressing range versus the anabolic-inspirational range. During the debrief you uncover the findings of the assessment and you are coached on how to transform yourself to higher performance improving your leadership skills. During this time you discuss the impact that stress has on your leadership style. After that, you work with your coach to minimize the stress and work toward a more creative and innovative leadership style.

The 2HR Leadership Makeover Timeline

Accurate leadership assessment completed online (client only) - 20 minutes. Makeover assessment report review (client only) - 10 minutes. Report debrief, makeover collaboration, and development plan - 90-minute session between the client and a Certified Professional Coach This timeline is approximate due to some variances in completing the assessment and reviewing reports. The 90-minute debrief with a coach is typically a fixed and structured segment of the process. In between portions of the timeline, you will receive emails for access to the assessment and the coach's calendar for scheduling. The 90-minute debrief with a coach includes the

Women's Leadership Coaching

In addition, you'll be coached on the power of mindset and self-image which results in a plan to be the inspiring women's leader for your situation, division, team, and/or company. You have a unique perspective on women's leadership which requires unique support. After all, women require a woman's perspective to ensure optimal personal growth.

For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our testimonials.

To schedule a makeover consultation with Maria, go here!

For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!



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We help women overcome obstacles found in their careers so they can become inspiring leaders and show the world the truth about what women are capable of.