Game Preliminaries are the 4th facet in the Playbook for Playing the Game of Life.

We discuss the development of this 4th facet in this episode.

Happy Hanukkah for those celebrating as the Hanukkah celebration is coming to an end! And tis the season to be jolly for everyone preparing for Christmas and the end of the year festivities.

The year is not over and there is plenty of time to squeeze out whatever you can between now and the end of the year! For an Everyday Heroine, we never underestimate the power of a sincere intention. That just means that if you want or think you can get something done before the end of the year, then just go for it!

Hopefully, it’s not in that pressure-filled stressful kinda way. That would not be like an Everyday Heroine!

Hopefully, it’s in a ‘this is really important for me and my mission in life’ kinda way.

I can tell you this! I’m still working as hard as I can to do all I can to bring you my best and brightest! I know you can do it too! And of course, I will be bringing you even more of my best and brightest as the new year begins, so don’t worry! I have you taken care of with all kinds of great superheroine stuff. And if I can do it, you can do it too, so give it your best! You won’t regret it!

Mindfulness with Maria

It can be a very hectic time of year, so I want to share some news first. If you don’t already follow me on Instagram, I am putting my Mindfulness with Maria recordings on IGTV. They are my favorite guided meditations.

I love guided meditation, especially when it is difficult to find time and resources to have that peace right at your fingertips when you really need it the most.

I’ve combined my passion for peace practices with my IG account for now in an attempt to bring more peace to the world.

So let me know what you think of my creations!

Holiday Gift Ideas for Confident Women and STEM Girls

Here are my holiday gift suggestions!

When buying for little ones, I suggest that you do an internet search for ‘STEM girls coloring books’. From my searches, it seems like STEM girls are synonymous with confident girls, so you will not be disappointed in what you find with that search!

If you start an internet search with something like a robotic kit for… there are many great options that pop up to lead you in the right direction for… kids, teens, adults, beginners, and so on.

For the young adult, I suggest the following three easy-to-buy and always available gift ideas:

  1. Journals
  2. Inspirational card decks
  3. Confident woman Jewelry

Hopefully, that is helpful for any last-minute gift-giving ideas.

Now let’s get back into the Playbook!

I’m rather grateful for the chance to review and refine the playbook as I’m going along. This is what I consider a normal practice for an Everyday Heroine, she is constantly creating, evaluating, and enjoying all that life has to offer.

We have a short description of the Playbook Practice which is meant to inspire life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as you play the game of life.

We are discussing the 4th facet out of 7 in the Playbook outline with Connection, Inspiration, and Support – and I think the timing is nice to talk about this one as we are getting closer to the end of the year. In the spirit of the holiday, I am hoping that everyone is experiencing deeper levels of connection, inspiration, and support.

I can quickly sum up the 1st facet. We are all humans living a very human life. As humans, our attention distracts us away from important things at times. This is part of being a human. The Playbook reminds us that life can be pretty basic. We all have cycles of sleep and wake stages, that are ultimately meant to facilitate a thriving life that leads to growth and advancement. We can each contribute to leaving the world better than we found it in our individual and unique ways. And don’t forget, there is no such thing as losing.

The 2nd facet – the Playing Field has been refined with three components: The container where the game of the moment is being played, the activity being played, and the reason for playing the game.

The 3rd facet also has three parts with skills, talents, and essence. These are the core parts of what an Everyday Heroine brings with her to play the game of life at a minimum.

And now the 4th facet…

If I think about playing the game of life and I take for example work, my game preliminaries to ‘work’ are things like my morning commute where I listen to music and the news or my morning ritual and daily habits for success that I can’t live without or more accurately, these are things that allow me to play the game of life at work at my best.

Let’s say inspiration, support, and I want to add guidance will address things that would be equivalent to umpires and field managers on the Everyday Heroine’s side. There can be another side to this, let’s keep work as an example. At work, one possible equivalent to an umpire is Human Resources.

But listen up! If you read MLB’s rules, the field manager is responsible for the team’s conduct.

For the Playbook, each human is responsible for their own behavior in life, period! For added clarity, I am talking about adults age 25 and older. I tell my daughter, that the closer she gets to age 25 the less responsible I am for her behavior. She has a couple more years, and then she is 100% her responsibility. Until then, I’m transitioning out so I only have a few points on it for a few more years.

The reason for that is because an adult brain isn’t fully done growing until about age 25. We’ll talk about this more in future episodes, but for now, that’s why I refer to age 25 as the technical beginning of true adulthood.

As an equivalent to ‘Exchange of Lineup cards’ I have the ‘Box of Awesome Lite’ – If you haven’t signed up for my email list yet, I talk about the box of awesome in my new Mini-course. The 3 Strategies Empowered Women Use for Success. If you are already on my email list you may know that I have been promising for a couple of months now to update my current pdf version of these strategies to a mini digital course. And it has been delayed.

The fun part about doing this podcast and talking about playing the game of life is that I’m living the game of life at the same time. It is such a wonderful reflection and reminder of what a person is truly capable of!

So the Box of Awesome Lite – is the bare-bones basics of what a woman would need to show up with to play the game of life for whatever she is playing. And if that is work, then maybe that’s a resume and a cover letter. If it’s something else, it’s probably in the full Box of Awesome… to build yours go to and signup for our email list. It’s coming soon, I promise!

Okay! Weather and field conditions are equivalent to social, cultural, and global influences. Depending on the game you are playing has a lot to do with how you consider and allow yourself to be influenced by these factors.

Special ground rules would be equivalent to science and facts as we know them for our current existence. Here’s where conscious and unconscious biases will show up. This will be a fun episode, no doubt!

MLB rules include a section for No Fraternization. It states that players cannot fraternize with the spectators during the game. It addresses the separation between the players playing the game and outside influences. I think this is a brilliant part of the Playbook! Here’s why.

Like I said at the beginning of this episode, as humans we can get so distracted by the many things that are pulling at our attention as we play the game of life. But really, playing the game of life can be simplified with a playbook that helps you focus on the game you are playing at the moment so that you can honestly and truly play the game to its fullest. That’s a beautiful thing!

And I trust that as we dive into this deeper, it will become hugely helpful for everyone and anyone trying to be an Everyday Heroine, leaving the world better than we found it!

Game Preliminaries

To sum this episode up, with have the 4th facet – Game Preliminaries that includes the following:


Support and Guidance

Box of Awesome Lite

Social, Cultural, and Global Influences

Scientific Facts around Conscious and Unconscious Biases

No Fraternization


For life coaching with Maria Kauffman check out our products and services here.

To schedule an empowerment session with Maria, go here!

For now, enjoy your adventures and journey responsibly!

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We help women overcome obstacles found in their careers so they can become inspiring leaders and show the world the truth about what women are capable of.